© Tohatchi Area of Opportunity & Services, Inc. 2018
TAOS provides a diversity of support services to people who have intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)
and are on the State DD Waiver Program. Each person has a team that supports them to develop an Individual
Service Plan. Each person’s plan states their dreams and goals; these are written out as visions and outcomes. At
TAOS, family and culture are of the utmost importance and we strive to include family as primary team members.
Our dedicated and well trained employees work each day to help the people they support learn new skills, join
clubs, and find jobs, etc. These activities take in the communities we all live in. In addition to the supports TAOS
provides directly, we work collaboratively with Case Management Agencies and Therapist to provide the most
holistic support available.
Our accreditation is through The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) and their standards are driven by Person
Centered Planning. Everyday each person decides what to do and what is best for them adn we as a company
support them in the safest ways possible.
For more information regarding DDW supports -
Corrine Begody, DDW ISC
(505) 722-9287
Manual Nez, DDW ISC
(505) 722-9287
Under the New Mexico Medicaid Waiver, our services include:
Customized Community Supports - Group (Adult Habilitation)
Customized Community Supports Individual and Small Group (Community Access)
Customized Integrated Employment - Individual (Supported Employment)
Living Supports (Supported Living)
Tohatchi Area of Opportunity & Services, Inc.